MOVIE: And the Kola Nut said No!
The other world of the Kola Nut
The other world is a deeper universe, just as real as the veins beneath the skin, good and bad spirits that sleep in all of us until they are awakened. Just like the drums contain a Kola Nut, the soul of the drum, raising its voice, when the drum gets beaten. Every one of us has a spirit that talks to us with the beating of the heart, if only we would hear.
© Text Copyright Martin Cruz Smith, Havana Bay, Random House, New York, 1999
About this Movie
The unique performance of the actors, well-written dialogues; moving, even heartbreaking scenes; and a view on African tradition which doesn’t lose its meaning with modern development, make this movie worth to be seen by many people!
Sarah M. Schemske – film critic